Terms of Service and Janine’s Policies

Please read the below before your visit…

DeMatting Policy and Shaving Policy

I will always put your dog's interest and welfare first here at Janine’s Dog Grooming.
It is the owner’s duty of care towards their pet to maintain the coat between professional groomings. So please brush brush brush! As a lack of regular grooming and care can lead to clumps of matted fur that can be uncomfortable, painful and cause skin irritation for your dog.

I will attempt to de-mat a coat, but only if I feel that I feel your pup will not suffer any pain. I have specialist equipment at the salon and this will always be the first port of call, however, I abide by the Animal Welfare Act and where I feel that it is in the best interest, I will shave off matted areas, to prevent unnecessary suffering. Shaving the coat is alot kinder. Many dogs are traumatised by unnecessary hours of de-matting, putting them off grooming for life.

When a dog is presented in a severely matted condition, it is my policy to shave the whole coat using electric clippers with a close blade. To de-matt a coat like that would cause the animal tremendous stress and discomfort, and often leaves a very thinned and damaged coat.

If you would like to learn how to take good care of your dog's coat between grooms, I am always on hand to give help and advice (Contact Janine to arrange a suitable time for a chat - ramseyjanine@aol.com - 07800830979)

Dematting can be a lengthy and tedious exercise for the dog (and the groomer). Treatment time can vary considerably between dog breeds, and the degree of matting. Prices are subject to an initial consultation

Please note - dogs that need significant de-matting will incur additional fees.


I cannot accept any dog into the salon with fleas, so please ensure that your dogs have had flea treatments before coming into the salon.
Dogs with fleas will have their appointment terminated and full payment will be required along with an extra flea fee, to cover the cost of decontaminating my equipment and salon after your dog has left to protect my other clients.

Even one flea found alive would require me to close the salon and cancel other clients booked in that day, set off a flea bomb and sterilise everything. I would then need to rebook those canceled clients into an already fully booked schedule.

So please be 100% sure your dog is flea free before coming in!

Groom Feedback

You will be given detailed feedback after every groom. If you have any queries or need further clarification, please just ask or contact me at a later stage. If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your pet’s groom, please let me know before you leave. Reasonable requests to alter the trim will be dealt with immediately or changes noted for the next groom. I am more than happy to disclose any details of your pet’s groom or advise you about how best to care for your pet’s coat. 

Behavioural issues

If I am are unable to complete a groom due to behavioural problems or aggression you will be contacted for collection.

Your Dog’s Health and Welfare

Whilst your pet is in my care its health and welfare is my primary concern. It will only ever be groomed according to its tolerance of the process. If your pet is fearful of any of the procedures employed during grooming, a workaround or alternative will be employed. 

Occasionally during grooming a pre-existing condition may be discovered which you may not have been aware of. I will notify you of this so that you can seek veterinary advice. 

Although extremely unlikely, accidents can happen during grooming. In the event of an accident or serious medical issue arising during your pet’s groom you authorise me to seek emergency veterinary treatment. 

Salon Exclusivity

If your pet will not tolerate the presence of other dogs in the salon there will be an extra charge for Salon Exclusivity, Please contact me to discuss this. 

Time Keeping

Please be punctual. I work by appointment only. The appointment slot allocated for your pet’s groom has been booked at your request exclusively. I do not double book appointments; a no-show is lost income. I provide a free appointment reminder by email, if your require a reminder by phone please ask us. 


Most grooms take between 1 – 3 hours or more depending on the size and temperament of the dog, and its coat condition. You will be advised what time to collect your pet. It is advisable not to return to the salon before this time, as your presence may distract your pet during the finishing stage of its groom or call to check how long it will be as this takes me away from grooming to keep answering the phone.  It is essential that you collect your pet at the agreed time as once the groom is finished your dog will be eager to go home and may become unsettled or anxious and cause a distraction to the next dog being groomed.  Late collections may incur an extra charge.

Please text or phone me if you are running late. I understand that from time to time unforeseen circumstances may arise. Please try phoning and if you can’t get through, please text. 

Late pick ups

Clients arriving more than 15 minutes late for their appointment will be considered a missed appointment and may have to re-book, this will incur a charge of the cost of the groom. If you need an earlier drop off/later collection time due to other commitments, please discuss this with me when booking. If your pet is collected late or after closing time (after 5pm) a late pick up and/or sitting fee of £5 per 30 minutes or part of applies. If you incur any of the above mentioned fees, they are payable in full at the time you collect your pet. 

Cancelling your appointment

Please give 48 hours notice if you need to cancel your pet’s appointment. The slot can then be offered to other clients.

No-shows and late cancellations (less than 24 hrs notice)

The full price of your pet’s groom must be paid in full where failure to turn up or on the day cancellations occur. This is because as a small business I cannot afford to not be working. For notice within 24 hours a charge of 100% of the groom cost will be payable before any future appointments can be booked. 

Aggressive and poorly socialised dogs: The Dangerous Dog’s Act

I reserve the right to refuse to groom any pet at risk of harming itself or me. If your dog is accepted for grooming & displays aggression that I have not been informed of during its session, the groom will be terminated immediately. You will be contacted to collect.

You must inform me prior to grooming if your dog has ever bitten or displayed aggression. Failure to disclose this information may result in refusal of further services.

Your attention is drawn to the Dangerous Dogs Act, which holds owners liable for bites and injuries caused by their dogs. 

Toilet before you visit

Please ensure your dog has been given the opportunity to go to the toilet before arriving at the salon, whilst we understand accidents can and do happen, we would really appreciate if they do it before they come so we can keep the salon as clean and fresh as possible for you and other clients.