Data Protection



General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

All data about you is treated as strictly confidential and is held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

What information does Janine’s Dog Grooming hold on its clients?

a) Any data submitted by someone via a contact form at; this information is automatically emailed to and is automatically downloaded. The mail software solely used for this purpose is password protected. The Janine’s dog grooming website itself does not hold any personal information.

b) Any data submitted via the Janine’s Dog Grooming Facebook Pages (including Facebook’s messaging service), Twitter, Instagram; the accounts are all password protected and administered only by Janine’s authorised users.

c) The name, address and other information as supplied by the client via online

d) Any information sent via cellular/data text message to any telephone number operated by Janine.

Janine also holds the data contained on any hardcopy forms completed by a client. All hardcopy information is securely stored at the salon. It is worthy of note that I makes use of an electronic data recording system, although this does not replace/preclude the hardcopy recording of information, some clients will have both hard copy and electronic data recorded. 

Why does Janine hold data on its clients? 

Janine’s Dog Grooming will use your name, address, phone number and/or email address, emergency contact name and phone number stored on contact/registration. This information is used for the following:

  • to confirm/remind/arrange future bookings or arrangements 

  • to send invoices in respect of bookings or services

  • to make contact in the event of an emergency whilst you or your pet is in our company/care

  • to update you on your pets whilst you are away if requested (email/SMS as agreed)

  • Please let Janine know at any time should you wish that method to be changed or if you subsequently want your details removing from this.

Access to your personal Information

If a client or former client wishes to know what data is held on them by Janine’s Dog Grooming, they can do so by submitting a written (including electronic) request via any means to Janine. They will receive any information I hold within one calendar week.  

Deletion of personal data – the ‘right to be forgotten’

If personal data is no longer necessary to the purpose for which it is intended, it will be deleted. If a client/prospective client wishes for personal data to be deleted, they can do so by written request (via any means). They will receive confirmation of such within one calendar week. 

Janine WILL NOT sell or otherwise forward the personal information of any client/prospective to any third party. We will only share information if required by law. 

Data Breaches

Should a personal information breach occur on the part of a software provider, Janine will inform the client immediately. It is the responsibility of that provider to inform their respective data protection authority (in the UK it is the Information Commissioner’s Office). Should the breach occur on the part of Janine’s Dog Grooming, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office will be informed within 72 hours, following investigation into the breach. The client will be informed of the breach.


Should a client or prospective client have any comments or questions regarding the use and protection of their personal information by Janine’s Dog Grooming, they should contact Janine in the first instance.